Complex hamster maze
Complex hamster maze

complex hamster maze

What kinds of questions can you answer with a T-maze? The rat walks foward and choosesthe left or right arm of the maze. A reward may be placed in one arm of the maze, or differentrewards may be placed in each arm. The test animal starts at the base ofthe T. You can also make a Paper and Pencil Maze yourself.Try running a maze on the Rat Maze Simulator.The solution is not obvious at all! To experience what a maze might be like for a rat, try the projects below: But a rat down in the maze can't see the whole thing: he can only see the corridors in front, behind, and to either side of him. After all, we humans have a top-down view and can easily spot the solution of a small maze like the one pictured above. By graphing the number of errors overtime, you can generate a learning curve for the rats. How many trials does it take for a hungry rat to run the maze tothe food reward at the end with no mistakes? How quickly does the ratcomplete the maze each time? Does the rat get faster over multipletrials? Over time, rats tend to run the maze with fewer and fewererrors, more and more quickly. The rat starts in onelocation, runs through the maze, and finishes at a reward in anotherlocation. The maze consists of a large platform with a series ofvertical walls and a transparent ceiling. This is the kind of maze everyone thinks of when they think of ratsand mazes. It's no wonder they have a knack withmazes. Their maze-runningability comes from their evolutionary history: rats are smallburrowing rodents that have spent millenia digging and finding theirway around underground tunnels. Rats are particularly gifted at running mazes. Maze studies helped uncover general principles aboutlearning that can be applied to many species, including humans.Today, mazes are used to determine whether different treatments orconditions affect learning and memory in rats. These maze studies are used to study spatial learning andmemory in rats. Thousands of studies have examined how rats rundifferent types of mazes, from T-mazes to radial arm mazes to watermazes. Rats have been used in experimental mazes since at least the early20th century. Different kinds of mazes and what they're used for:ĭifferent types of mazes andwhat they're used for.

Complex hamster maze